This picture came from my colleague, Rhyz Gomez. Lately, we've experienced headaches on the children we love and teach. My! My! Adolescents are indeed challenging. We are in an environment where flabbergasting is of course unacceptable from the mouth of a teacher. We can be firm but we will always respect dignity.
However, we found ourselves laughing at the picture where she was tagged in. Thanks to Facebook . LOL! This is not to sound condescending on any of our Erdkinder children. In fact, you will fall in love 69 times to all of them.
Teachers are also humans and are never perfect. They're flawed that's why they teach. There are just days when they want to say "Hey, i told you several times" like a nagging mother. Simply because THEY'VE BEEN THROUGH LIFE .....and THEY WANT YOUR LIVES BETTER THAN THEIRS.
Wow! Kudos to Rhyz, my new Erdkinder colleague, my newfound friend and hopefully, an eternal daughter. Toinkz.